New to FBC?

When can I visit?


  • Bible Fellowship Groups, including Sunday School for students and children, starts at 9:45 AM
  • Worship begins at 11:00 AM
  • We wrap up around noon


  • We serve a meal on Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m. All are welcome. For more info, click here
  • All other activities go from 6:00 to 7:00 PM
  • Prayer and Bible Study for adults 
  • Youth (grades 7-12)
  • Disciple Kids (grades pre-k - 6)

What should I wear?

Dress is casual for all our meetings. Some folks dress more formally than others, but you won’t see many suits or ties. Wear what feels appropriate and comfortable to you.

How do I get there and where do I park?

Our address is 601 W. Woodard in downtown Denison, at the corner of Mirick and Woodard, one street north of Main Street.

Park along Woodard if…

Park in the main parking lot off on Mirick, across from the main building if…

Park in the CLC parking lot (corner or Mirick and Gandy) if…

What should I expect at a worship service?

We will begin with 20-30 minutes of singing. Feel free to sit, stand, sing, or just listen as we express our worship to God. Our worship style blends classic hymns with modern worship songs. If you don’t know the songs, don’t worry; we didn’t know them at first, either. 

During each service, we take up an offering as a time for church members to share with the church financially. It’s a spiritual discipline for us to recognize how God has blessed us. You may contribute, too, if you like, but we don’t expect guests to give. 

Messages from our pastor are based on the Bible, with the goal of helping us understand God better and to live the life Jesus modeled and promised in our everyday lives. If you’re wondering what that sounds like, try listening to some sermons online

At the end of the service, there will be a time to respond to the message through a final song, prayer, and public decisions. If you want to respond, you may come forward and someone will pray with you, place a response card in the offering plate or offering box, or you can meet with a pastor after the service to ask any questions that you have.

What do you have for kids during Sunday worship?

How do I join First Baptist Denison?

The Bible teaches every believer in Jesus to invest themselves in a local church. Membership is a commitment to come alongside other believers to love and support each other and to do God’s work in the world. Membership at our church is open to anyone who has placed his or her faith in Jesus, wants to stand with us in our beliefs and join us in our church covenant .

You may join the church in three ways:

You can express your desire to join the church during the invitation. We recommend new and prospective members attend a “Newcomers Class,” offered following morning worship several times a year, to get further acquainted with our beliefs and mission as a church.