Love Out loud

2025 projects and dates to be announced at the Love Out Loud Service fair.
November 2 (during morning worship)

Learn about past projects below

Matthew 25: 34-36
“Then the King will say to those on his right
‘I was hungry and you fed me,
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink,
I was homeless and you gave me a room,
I was shivering and you gave me clothes,
I was sick and you stopped to visit,
I was in prison and you came to me.’

Then those who are going to say, Master what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you? Then the king will say, ‘I’m telling you the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me -- you did it to me.’”

Providing radical levels of compassion across our community.

Jackets for Jackets

Our team will be collecting new coats to help meet the needs of children in the Denison ISD. The team will work with the school district to ensure every child is warm this winter.

Leader: Shonda Cannon

When: Various times based on need
Who: Students of DISD (3 years old through 12th grade)
The Need: Church members to drop off new coats by the church office. Team members to prepare the items to be distributed to local school age children.

Center Cross Project

Provide gift items to be able to provide a gift bag for those in need who come through the Center Cross ministry for meals and attend their annual Christmas party.

Leader: Liz Suffron

When: ​TBD

Who: Needy and homeless
The Need: Church members will donate items for both men
and women. A list of suggested items will be provided.

FBC Toy Store

A place for parents to shop for Christmas toys to fill the needs of our Love Out Loud projects.

Leader: Katrina Burden

When: 12/14/24 & 12/21/24 10: AM - 12:00 PM
12/16/24 & 12/20/24 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Where: Christian Life Center
The Need: - Donations of new fun gifts for children of all ages—infants through teens.
- Volunteers to work during shopping hours

Month of Meals

The purpose of this project is to help make December a little easier for 5 Denison families by providing four meals for each family.

Leader: Carolyn Ramsey

When: ​12/7/24, 12/14/24 & 12/21/24 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Where: Various Denison Homes
The Need: Members who will prepare meals in the FBC
kitchen and others who will serve by building relationships with
these families by delivering meals to their homes once per
week for four weeks. 

Grayson County Jail Bible Drive Project

Believers in jail need encouragement! We are providing two cases of Bibles to Grayson County Jail.

Leader: Mike Windle

Who: Inmates of Grayson County Jail
The Need: We need volunteers to write notes to inmates, encouraging them to trust Jesus and continue to walk out their faith upon release. We will write the notes on Wednesday, December 8, or you can deliver your note before that deadline. 

Housing Authority Project

The purpose is to not let any child go without Christmas gifts. We will reach out to residents of The Eastside Apartments to help in providing Christmas toys to children.

Leader: Stephanie Lawrence

Where: Eastside Community Center
The Need: Team members with a heart for ministering to the needs of families.

Senior Housing Project

This outreach project will warm up the Mauk Circle Community Center as we minister to the seniors of this government housing division by providing gift bags filled with socks, scarves, games, puzzles, and extra surprises.

Leader: Kathy Jenkins

When: TBD
Where: Mauk Circle Housing Project
The Need: Team members with the heart to minister to
seniors who live alone, many of whom will spend this
Christmas season alone. 

Oil Change Project

We will provide free oil changes for single moms and widows one Saturday in December. While the guys service the cars, our ladies will host our “customers” in the CLC with brunch and prayer.

Leaders: Steve Suffron

Who: Single mothers in Denison
The Need: - At least four men who can perform oil changes in teams of two.
- An intake person and driver (could be one person)
- Ladies who will prepare lunch
- Ladies who will meet and offer a prayer and/or testimony to
the women who come.

Sing Out Loud Carolers

A caroling we go as our team sings a few Christmas favorites in two venues. We board the FBC bus to carol at the homes of the widowed of our church. On a day of your choice, we also need a few team members who are willing to visit FBC’s nursing home members to deliver care packages.

Leader: Elizabeth Fulce

The Need: Whether you have perfect pitch or just make a
joyful noise, this team will have an appreciation and a heart for
caring for those who have paved the way before us. Our team
is open to children, teens, and adults, so it’s a perfect
opportunity for families and individuals. 

Laundry Love

Laundry Love is an opportunity to help people who may be struggling financially by assisting them with the cost of doing their laundry. Relationships are built, and we hope to bless those we meet with more than the quarters we put into the machines. Our desire is to identify and meet the needs of these laundry-mat patrons as we show Christ’s love through this random act of kindness.

Leader: Terry McKearan

Where: Various Denison Laundry-mats
The Need: Team members who can listen and carry on a
conversation with a stranger, help fold clothes, and perhaps
assist a child with homework.

This last Love Out Loud was a Huge success!
Thank you to all those who participated.

Housing Authority PARTY

The Eastside Community Center will be abuzz with love and laughter as our team gathers with the children and their families for holiday festivities. We’ll provide bus transportation for each family to the Holiday Lights at Loy Lake Park. While they are waiting their turn, each child will enjoy Christmas music, crafts and a light meal in the community center with our team members.

Leader: Stephanie Lawrence
When: Monday, December 9th - 5:30 pm
Where: Eastside Community Center
The Need: Team members with a heart for ministering to the needs of families.

Heritage Park PARTY

The Heritage Park Apartment Community Center will be abuzz with love and laughter as our team gathers with the children and their families for holiday festivities. We’ll provide bus transportation for each family to the Holiday Lights at Loy Lake Park. While they are waiting their turn, each child will enjoy Christmas music, crafts and a light meal in the community center with our team members.

Leader: Michele Syler
When: Monday, December 16th - 6 pm
Where: Heritage Park Apartment Community Center
The Need: Team members with a heart for ministering to the needs of families.

Creekmore Apartments PARTY

The Creekmore Apartments will come alive with the Christmas spirit as our team members bring a block party style holiday event to these residents. We will provide a cookout, games for all, crafts for the kids and even some live music.

Leader: Russell Petty
When: Saturday, December 14th - Noon
Where: Creekmore Apartments
The Need: Team members with a heart for serving other families in a block party.

Volunteer For Love Out Loud Projects

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